Thursday, January 5, 2012

Survivor Psalm

I came across this beautiful poem while thumbing through a diary I used to chronicle my journey to healing. It's my hope it will bring you as much peace as it did me.

I have been victimized.
I was in a fight that was
not a fair fight.
I did not ask for the fight.
I lost.
There is no shame in losing
such fights.
I have reached the stage of
survivor and am no longer a
slave of victim status.
I look back with sadness
rather than hate.
I look forward with hope
rather than despair.
I may never forget, but I need
not constantly remember.
I was a victim.
I am a survivor.

- Frank Ochberg    


  1. Beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I have read that before. I wrote one similar to it 3 months ago.

    The Unfair Fight

    It was an unfair fight,
    a struggle of death and life.
    He waged war throughout the night,
    I defended him off past the morning light.

    No choice was given,
    as he to my heart did riven.
    Made vulnerable I was for the taken,
    why did he choose my soul to be forsaken?

    He released the binds,
    I into freedom then ran to find.
    Although unwillingly I lost to his might,
    I had no choice for this war was an unfair fight.


  3. that is amazing Jaime!!! thank you for opening up so much. it means so much to have other girls out there like you and Bergen who just get it!
