Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Date Rape Prevention Straws

This is a copy of an email I got from a dear friend. I liked it so much I couldn't keep it to myself. Enjoy!

"subject: warning...​this is me ranting a little!

It's not much info on it but I thought it could spark some good conversation possibly around the idea of date rape.


"hopefully this invention will help keep women safe" !?!?  A straw doesn't keep women safe, people not drugging women is what keeps women safe. Why is it that our society can make money creating/selling a "date rape straw" that tests for date rape substances in drinks...when the real problem is the fact that people in our society commit date rape. Just further proves the point that we need to treat the roots of the problem, not the symptoms. Get rid of date rap by changing attitudes toward rape, then you don't have to sell a stupid straw.

ok I'm off my soapbox."

My friend hits the nail on the head. I do believe Mr. Patolsky was well intended in his invention. But, this further illustrates the underlying message ingrained in our culture: "Hey girls, before you go out tonight- when you toss your lip gloss and ID into your clutch, make sure you've saved enough room for your whistle, pepper spray and date rape prevention straw. That is of course, if you don't want to be raped."

I just have to wonder at what point rape became viewed as such a seemingly inevitable part of a woman's life? Has our society really gotten to the point that we've started advocating women bring a science fair project with them to the bar? Again, I understand it's well intended. But the concept translates into a form of acceptance when what we should be doing is taking a stand against rape. We continue to "up the ante" for women with a number of safety precautions (translated into safety expectations) while inadvertently fostering a, "well it happens" attitude. It's just as my friend said above, "Get rid of date rap by changing attitudes toward rape,

But, one last question before I go... Do the straws come in XL for us ladies who prefer long neck bottle? Just food, err, beer for though. Cheers!